Wednesday, 6 July 2011


ihihhi...ske la kartoon2 chibi ny..kiut2 blake..hehehe..
cer tgk ag,,cer tgk2.then cer like2..hehehe

hehehe..kalo nk tgk byk ag karton ketot..cer tkn la link karton2 ketot ny..^^

Monday, 4 July 2011

about him

*really very true……………….
Girls r surely going to read it
*Believe it or not…….
1. Guys like their gadgets & bikes more than a girl.
Guys don’t actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls.
2. Guys hate flirts.
3.When a guy says he doesn’t understand you, it simply means you’re not thinking the way he is.
4. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about .
5. When a guy really likes you, he’ll disregard all your bad characteristics.
6. Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile.
7. Guys will do anything just to get the girl’s attention.
8. When you touch a guy’s heart, there’s no turning back.
9. When a girl says “no”, a guy hears it as “try again tomorrow”. … so true.
10. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly.
11. Guys love their moms.
12. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.
13. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn’t mean that the guy likes her.
14. You can never understand him unless you listen to him.
15. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.
16. Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.
17. Like Eve, girls are guys’ weaknesses.
18. Guys are very open about themselves.
19. It’s good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don’t let him wait that long.
20. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.
21. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they’re not that much pretty.
22. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don’t need to give advice … very true.
23. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
24. Guys keep secrets that girls tell them.
25. Guys think too much.
26. Guys fantasies are unlimited.
27. Girls’ height doesn’t really matter to a guy but her weight does! … very true.
28. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!!
29. Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about girls.
30. You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him praying sometimes.
31. If a guy says you’re beautiful, that guy likes you.
32. Guys hate girls who overreact.
33. Guys love you more than you love them IF they are serious in your relationships.
Doesn’t this all make sense?

Friday, 1 July 2011

me as a stoler..,XD

yepa yepaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^

ive got it!finally ive got his!> wut?ghehehhe..>:D..ive stole his...heart! hehehh..,,aq ngorat ank ustaz wei!hahahahah...hes da correct fucking bloody sure about dat!.,hihihi..he can guide me 2 da countin on him....:)))

"ive meet a tall dark, n handsome(err..yew kot?..hehhee) man,,
n ive been bz makin big plan,,
but no 1 needs 2 know right now"..XD

p/s : wajah sebenar beliau trpakse drahsiekn utk tujuan keselamatan..-..-

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

jate mlot puake!

kite bese dgr sal pompn mulot puake.,,tp jgn xtao lak yg jntn pnye puake ag maha puaka!ha..
kalo puake dpn2 thn ag,,ny kalo dpn2,,pijak semot pon xmaty,,kalo blakg bontot,,hah! 2 dy,,!

make,,tebukak la segale mulot buaye.,,mulot tempayan,,mlot batu belah batu betangkup,,make,,trserlah la segale hasad dengki,,dendam kesumat c jntn mulut busok i2..,,,hah udah la mulot busok,, aty pon busok!owg  camny mmg pendengki!xle tgk owg lebeh dr dy...! slalunye,, pghidap penyakit mulot, hati busok ny,,jntn2 yg trtelan softland,,tp yg tegap trlebih tulang pon ad gak ye,,ha

sespe yg mghidap penyakit ny,,tulun2 la bwk betobat sebelom anda mncederekn byk hati2 yg suci,,krn akhirnye,,anda sendri yg akn dbenci malah akn dcerca merca o owg skeliling,,hurm..:(

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

i luv fasha sindhu...:3

meow...cantek kn i?cantek kn i?cam fasha sindhu sket kn?hik2!eh2....xchantek er??ok la, ok la,,huhu..jap2 eh.,,

haa..,,bwu la tol2 cantek..,alamak u.. i stim la.,,huhu.,,i nk,......

urm,,yummy.,,,(n..n)..,,sebnanyew i make up jew td.,,mke i sebnanye cam ny..:

haa.,,,jgn kasik tao owg au..,,,wahsie kitew2 jew au..,,meow..,,:3

Friday, 17 June 2011

bile tinno ngorat jatte..:3

bole x kalo....hehehe

 pompn crazy over a man??hehheee
asal dorg wat gitu erk?sy tao jwpnnye...hehehe
1 jew.., dy jmpe laky yg ad ciri2 idaman aty ny...!^^

kalo ad jatte yg keno kejar pompn 2..,tgk la tol2..kot2 pompn 2 brhaty mulie er....hehe
tp slalunye pompn cenggini kne label as pompn muke tebal xtao malu!
eden stoju sgt tp xsumo cenggitu annn??
kalo laky 2 slow sgt maka trpkse r c tinno make 1st step meh..haiyaaaa

tp sifat semulojadi laky mmg xske kne kejo,,tp ske mgejo!
so, kalo ad tinno yg bejaye tgkap ikan jatte an,,pergh!mmg betuah 2!!!huhuhu

im a crazy girl..,,hehehe

Thursday, 16 June 2011

owg kg is fuckin great!

npe owg ske pndg rendah kat owg kg???

den waso org kg sgt hebat..sgt betuah kalo dlahirkn sbg owg kg...dorg mungkin xup 2 date cam owg hidup sbg owg kg sgt enjoy!mrk sgt mesre ngn alam,,,mandi sungai...mrayap dlm utan..sume 2 xdapeknye nk wase kalo dok bando..eden xmao cite la sal owg kg yg culture shock ble msok bando an,,tp presan x, owg kg la yg kbykknnye brjaye-jaye dlm pelajaran compare ngn owg bando..tol x?tol x?ha..

eden plg banggo ngn pembikin animasi upin ipin ny yg brtemakn kg ny 1 den suko kg boy..besh!:DDD

ny ha karya owg kg yg awesome!owg bando ghety ke wat cengginy?x!!owg bando ghety bely jew!huhu

jatte n tinno

haa....pena bce x bku ny?ce bce ce bce...besh gle!! ag besh dr novel cintan cintun 2 ha..,bku ny pasai prbezaan antare ore jatte n tinno..sipat2 semulejadi laky n pompn..ha.kalo nk tao npe pompn n laky slalu cakar-mencakar sesame sndri,hah!bku ny ad jwpnnye...:DDD

owg laky n pompn slalu ad salah is really simple while woman is tottaly complicated...,so,,owg laky slalu pike owg pompn pon brpemikiran simple. pompn lak slalu pike owg laky pon komplikated cam dorg..,maka salah paham pon slalulah trjadi antare mrk dgn gembire,,,maka,,mrk pon brcakaranlah sesme mrk dgn gembire..,

eden xmao cite r ap bku ny cite an,,tp yg eden wase,,laky n pompn especially suami istri,,kne ad care komunikasi yg trbaek utk brhubung sesme mrk,,contosnye via sms er,,o ckp je twos face 2 face..ha..,tp jgn gne owg tgh lak,,eden xcaye sgt owg tgh ny..,kalo dpt yg baek xpew kalo dpt yg batu api??kalo dpt yg talam dy muke??ha.,,pndy2 la erk..:)))

Monday, 6 June 2011

vitamin F?wujud er?

vitamin F terdiri drpd fatty acids & wujud dlm 2 bentuk: omega 3 n omega 6. fungsi utama vit. ini ialah utk membaiki & mghasilkn tisu2 dlm bdn. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) menyarankn vit. F adalah perlu dlm 1-2% drpd jmlh pgmbilan kalori harian bg maknusie dewasa...vit. ini jga mmbntu metabolisma, pemulihan, & pembesaran rmbt n kulit...
     People who bruise easily often have a shortage of vitamin F. Other signs of deficiency include scratches that are slow to heal, dull hair, and dry eyes. People with low levels of this vitamincan suffer from eczema or dry skin. This vitamin also aids with digestion by helping the intestines produce bacteria for the digestion process.
     Supplement capsules provide the FDA recommendations for vitamin F. The capsules generally need to be kept in a location that is dry, cool, and dark — too much light and heat can cause the fatty acids to break down, thereby making the capsules useless for the body. A refrigerator can be an excellent location to store this vitamin supplement. Consumers typically should check the supplement capsules to be sure the supplement offers both types of fatty acids. To reduce the number of different nutritional supplements taken daily, a person could look for a vitamin supplement that has vitamin F as one of its ingredients.
     One way to increase the amount of vitamin F is to eat one or two servings of cold-water fish every day. Baked salmon or broiled trout are excellent sources of fatty acids. Other fish that a person could consider eating include mackerel and tuna.
     Nuts are another potent source for fatty acids. A snack of unsalted sunflower seeds can be an excellent choice; walnuts can be eaten raw or used in recipes. For example, a person could sprinkle walnuts and sunflower seeds on a salad instead of croutons to gain his or her daily intake of the vitamin.
    There are several oil supplements that could be added to the diet, as well. Many of these supplements, such as grape seed oil, are available in capsule form. Evening primrose oil not only increases fatty acids but is also taken for other benefits.
     Cooking oils, such as flax seed oil, canola oil, and walnut oil, add flavor to foods while providing an addition of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to the diet. By cooking in these oils, many people are able to lower unwanted cholesterol in their diets. The vitamin F in these oils helps the body properly metabolize and use fatty acids to decrease cholesterol problems.
     Vitamin F is generally considered safe for daily consumption. It does not interact with most medications. A person should always consult with his or her health care provider when adding a nutritional supplement to the diet.

senah luv saniah...:3

jntn & betine...siang & mlm..langit & bumi..gule & garam...bacteria & antibacteria..,,lombu & shah..sume tuhan da ciptekn kapel2....n 2 sume da jd fitrah.,,,tp bile da nk kiamat ny,,kuase fitrah maken luntur..,sume da menci ngn kapel masing2..sume pelan2 nk tontot ad dendam kesumat jew..,,o owg jepon kate.,,"no chemistry"...konon nye laky n pompn..,da komon da kalo kite dgr jntn kapel ngn jntn,,,,betine kapel ngn betine..,cam fuck jew subhanallah...

     nk jd citew..,den xsgke bule bekwn ngn org2 kawan i 2..baek owgnye...caring..kalo den kne himpap ngn batu,,slalunye dy la yg dy pengkid..les lak 2*dy ad makwe au..,tp bkn aq aaa..* xnmpk sebab dy nk jd les ny ha.muke da cun da...*ensem pon ad ensem dr X aq dlu ha*.nk kate ganaz,xde la ganaz mne..kalo jntn nk bule je ha.,,so,,npe mesty les?adeh...

     1 jew doa aq,,arap2 1 ary t dy kawen ngn jntn..mne r tao an dy g kawen kat britain kew..ha.nk nasehat bebyk,,spe r aq an..,aq pon xbrape btoi..hurmmmm...:((((

p/s: kpd kwn aq 2 an..,,papehal alwayz in ma heart..1437...:)))

Thursday, 2 June 2011

hohoho..peberet nyh!:3

memecahkn pekung d dade ngn gumbiro...!

"wei sameon,,,ko nk tao x?errrr.."

td an,,aq tebukak 1 blog ny yg dgn bggenye dy mgisytiharkn kpd 1 msia n mybe 1 dunie bhwesenye dy dah xdare,,then le lak ckp sal maruah diri,,dy kate xde dare xpew asal an ad harge diri!adeh..xkesah r ap dy wat an,,tp xyah r gtao sume owg dowh..=.=!

aq xtao ap motif dy wat annozmen camtu,,maybe betoi dy nk jujur 2 kne betompat la adek syg oi..,,dlm kez dak ny,,2 bkn jujur 2..,t da tahap bukak aib sendri 2...da cam menayang ketiak brkurap d tmpt awam da 2..


think b4 open ur mouth o taip ur entry a dik oi...

bak kate da aar an..keep it as ur dirty little secret..

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

suke lyn..^^

pakwe sy.,,^^

pakwe sy ny an.,sgt trknl au..,dy mnjd pujaan haty kaum2 hindu nyok nyak.,,hehe.,sampy nk sentuh dy pon dowg xbrany.,,tp dy dpndg hine o mlayu!dy slalu kne sembelih dgn gumbironyew..,,tp xpe..,kalo dorg sembelih,,i mkn jew.,,hehehe.,,lyn!

satu ary ny an.,,i jln2 au,then i nmpk la c pojaan aty i ny ha.,apegi,,lomah lotot den ny ha,,hik2!xcited gitu..
nta cane an,,tibe2 jew kat tgn i ad kamere,,,then ap g,,i pon skodeng r dy!mne dy g i itot,,hehehe..

ny ha hasil skodengan i yg slalu dtatap sblom tdo.,,kuh3

mse dy mle2 prasan kewujudan aq

mse dy tgh mkn kat restoran 5 bintang..
org kaye mne lyn kedy mamak an..

reaksi dy pas dpt twrn jd hero utame iklan susu fernleaf

mke dy yg jelite dbwh sinaran rembulan d dlm gelap gelite

ny mse dy tgh trbg brsiar-siar..cian dy jln sesngsowg
seb baek xde owg wogol..hish

byk ag r gmbo lucah xmao r upload an..i jew bley tgk..:D

sy ske awk!ske sgt2!heheh..,,:))))

ini bkn cinte pndg petame,,,aq da lme knl dy.,,lahir2 da knl da,,tp xde feelin papepown,,tp, prasaan ni maken mmbare sjk aq rpt ngn dlah!dlah la yg knl kn aq ngn dy.,,,then bwu aq prasan,dy rpe2 nye sgt kiut!hhuhu.,,sgt2 chumeyy.,,,walopon dy dpndg hine o msyarkt.,,tp, i nk ske dy gak!i dulik pe?ha

sjk jatoh cinte ny.,,,i jd obses ngn dy au.,,kalo g kedy,,jmpe gmbo dy yg ad cop a.e.i.o.u prdct,,ha..mmg i bly r!bkn gmbo jew,,xkire r pape sal dy mmg i bly nye r.,,kalo ngh xde pokai,,sonang jo,,i cuwi jew..,jgn wisao r!heheh,,msok jel pon xpew,,asalkn i dpt mnatap wajahnye sokmo2.,,meoww..:3

asek cite je an,,mesty u nk tao spe an?k la k la,,tp i xmao la tonjok gmbo dy,,tkot t dy glamor..,i yg mkn ibu jari kaki t.huhu..,

nk tgk?nk tgk?jeng jeng jeng..

i bg u tgk byg dy je la bule x?cumeyy x?cumeyy x?ha.
nk la 2...?

kopi of kopi...i luv u!!!!!!!!!!

minuman ruji sblm kuliah

yg ny maut punya!:))

org slalu kate kopi xbgs!xbaek ntok kesihatan,,ish!tok dorg!kopi sebnanye minuman kegemaran nabi slps susu au..,ha,,xtao la 2....?

 hasil kajian terkini menunjukkan bahawa pengambilan kafein yg sederhana memberi kesan baik kpd kesihatan, trmasuk mengurangkan risiko mndpt pelbagai penyakit seperti diabetes, batu karang hempedu (gallstones), penyakit Parkinson, & liver disease. Pengambilan kafein juga membolehkan otak berfungsi lebih baik & membantu kita fokus dlm pmbelajaran, d samping kelebihan-kelebihan yg lain.
ny aq ad tarok info sal kopi..,bce jgn xbce.,,:)))
1. kafein xbuat owg ketagih!
kafein d'istiharkn sbg bhn yg selamat. ia adlh stimulasi yg merangsang sel saraf otak. sementara sestgh stimulasi sprti nikotin, d'istiharkn sbg bhn yg menagihkn, anda xkn ketagih kalo amek dlm jmlh yg sederhana(2oo-3oomg,,+- 2-3 cwn kopi). tp,,kekerapan yg mnjd tabiat boleh brlaku kpd seten org kalo dorg  trtggl mnom kopi.simptom nye cam sket pale, keletihan, ssh nk fokus, sakit otot.,, 

2. tabiat memnom kopi boleh...

kebykn kajian menunjukkn bhwe pengmbilan kafein boleh mgurgkn risiko diabetes,batu karang, Parkinson's, & penyakit hati,,.tp,,dc xmenyarankn pegmbilan kafein utk mngurgkn risiko penyakit anda,,

alahai..,mlz r nk translate..,bce r sendri..,ish

3. The caffeine content in a cup of coffee can vary even if you get it at  the same place every day.

The caffeine content in coffee can vary depending on brewing method, the type of bean used, and the amount prepared. For example, different extents of grinding the beans can yield different amounts of caffeine. Researchers in Florida ordered the same beverage from the same coffee shop for six consecutive days and found that the caffeine content ranged from 259 mg to 564 mg.
4. How do the effects of caffeine last?
Caffeine’s effects last long after you finish that cup of java. It takes 5 to 6 hours for your body to eliminate just half the caffeine in a cup of coffee, which is why having a cup in the afternoon can affect your sleep. In people who are more sensitive to caffeine, the effects may last even longer.
Caffeine is often added to headache medications because caffeine helps the body absorb headache drugs more quickly, bringing faster relief. Adding caffeine requires less medication for the same effect, reducing the risk for potential side effects and possible drug addiction.

5. skin care prdct
Some skin care products, such as antiaging products containing caffeine have been shown to help make skin smoother and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
6. respons to caffein
A recent study found that men have a greater response to caffeine than women; however, another study suggested that this might not always be a good thing. Researchers found that caffeine tended to harm the performance of men in collaborative, stressful situations (such as an office environment), but it improved the performance of women.
Older adults can be more sensitive to caffeine because it takes their bodies longer to process it.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anyone suffering from anxiety disorders should avoid caffeine because it can aggravate symptoms, which include exaggerated worry and tension.
Contrary to popular belief, caffeine will not help anyone who is intoxicated become sober.

Caffeinated beverages do not generally contribute to dehydration. In the short term, caffeine may have a mild diuretic effect in people who do not normally consume caffeine, but this is not the case for those who habitually drink caffeinated beverages. All beverages, including those that contain caffeine, help maintain hydration.

Deaths from caffeine overdose are rare, but they can be caused by convulsions or an irregular heartbeat. The amount of caffeine considered to be an overdose varies by a person’s size, age and gender, but in general, doses of greater than 10 grams can be fatal in adults. A typical cup of coffee has about 115 mg of caffeine, so you’d need to drink more than 85 cups to consume 10 gram.

FDA limits the caffeine content in soft drinks to 71 mg per 12 oz serving, but there is no limit on the amount of caffeine “energy drinks” can contain. Several energy drinks have more than 100 mg of caffeine per serving, and some have ore than 200 mg.

Because high doses of caffeine can enhance physical performance — studies have shown it can increase muscle endurance during brief, intense exercise — NCAA athletes are not allowed to consume high doses of caffeine. The NCAA allows up to 15 micrograms of caffeine per milliliter of urine, high enough to allow for normal consumption of caffeinated beverages, but low enough to bar the use of high-dose caffeine supplements.

hah!da bce 2 ap ag..,,didik la diri anda mncintai kopi..,,hehe.,yg org ckp kopi xelok 2 sume propa yahudi cilakak latnatullah 2 jew!doh kate xelok,,tp dorg mnom pasai apa?ha tell me y?tell me y..?ha,,aq da lme syak da coz kate kopi xbaek an.,,tp kerajaan US soh dc2 dorg mnom 5-6 cwn kopi shari.,,hah!ape ce?xkn dy nk bnoh dc ksygn dorg an?ha.,,,tipah benci tao owg tipu tipah..menci3!huh!


finally! cun gak blog aq,,*cun la sket dr kucing kurap..*heehhe.setelah penat memerah peluh,,mnjirus-jirus peluh,,mnjilat-jilat peluh,dpt gak hias blog ny.,,walopon xsecun n secanggih blog owg laen.,bwu smagat sket nk karang blog an,,,:))))) tp  still xpuas aty coz xdpt lgu yg i nk....,,,feel my soul bebeh!.,,sempena lgu tema blog i ny.,,hehe.,hurmm..,:((((

  nta nape asek trigt c gemok bontot beso 2 jew..,ish.asal ssh sgt nk lpe dy ek?mcm la dy igt kat ku jew..,huh!wat seksi diri jew.,,tp cgu asmarani kate kite asek trigt kat someone 2.,,t dy pon maybe bule igt kat kite gak coz t gelombg otk akn behubung segale bagai..,xphm r aq.,,hurm tol kowt??arap2 tol.,hik3!bule la aq seksi jiwe n rage dy!huahahah![nta2 aq yg trtonggeng keseksaan dlu!..X0]

  k la k la.,,da pg!sok nk betugas lak.,,adeh adeh.,,kecot berot tgn den..,aiyah

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

kepale ku brputar...:S

tetbe wase nk tuleh blog lak..padehal mende yg plg aq lomah....writin!xkirela writin ap bm er bi...noop gle r.hehehhe.tgk smpy ble blog ny bole jalan cam xbesh je nk nuleh ny.kalo ad tulesan gmpk2 bwu r kaw nk nuleh2...ny tulesan pon yg cikay2 jewp.busan bule x?haiyah!...huhu.smlm kuar wesult. cam bangang gle le x?haiyah.nseb mlg r aq pas ny...nk luah xde spe nk donga..

wasenye g metrik is DA BIGGEST MISTAKES IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!tp xpe r...sbb g sne r tebukak sket mate aq tgk dunie ny ha..mcm2 jenis maknusia aq jmpew..g sne la da memtgkn aq mlgnye,,g sne la melalikn aq dr blajo!g sne g blajo ilmu sosial jew!ilmu buku2 hamprak! im gonna face da society now a?i need ur bebelan!huhuhu

i wish i can turn back da time..huish!...:(((((..oppa omma biande....:'((((((
tula...kecik2 xmao mampuih..da bosa nyusah kn mak bpk!huhuhu
tp yg pleknye dowg wileks jew?xkaciwa er ngn aq ny ha?plek tol!
mama cam da brubah mnjd robot yg tao sengeh sokmo jew..sokmo2 mesty dy da kerat2 aq jd molekul then cmpk dlm kuboq!haish...mushkyil tol r aq...,,haiyah

makchik tue mlot nerake 2 xmemekak kat dy er ha?plek aq...slalu nyye pas donga machik tue 2 mncarot sai ank dy..mle r dy jelez,,,aq lak yg jd mgsonyo ha.plek bobona.,,,mushkyil aq...>:/

papehal pown...,arap2..there have a sunshine 4 me..huhu.,YA ALLAH,,BGLA AQ BELUANG NK HARUMKN NME MAK BPK AQ AG..huhu..:'(((

amacam?ad suka?